Thursday, April 2, 2015

April 2nd

So I've been reading bits and pieces of coopers book Maps to anywhere because I didn't purchase the book on time. I read the essay "How to Draw" where cooper spoke about his experiences with art from a young age. His dying brother used to draw they eiffel tower slanted to the left, his mother enjoyed are with fine details, where as cooper found himself enjoying are made on the spur of the moment. Coopers speaks about the different forms of are and how everyone took different positions on classifying art.

At a young age cooper was told he didn't master how to draw hands by a teacher he had, so he began to draw pictures of himself handles. I thought this was very interesting. Usually when someone tells a person they aren't good enough at something they try to master whatever it is to feel good about themselves, not just stop doing it at all. Well that's how it is for me. In most of the poems I've seen bits and pieces of cooper seems to speak alot about his family and his personal life. He also speaks about about creativity and how important it it. 

Another essay I read was The wind did it where he spoke about the relationship he had with his father. The language he uses here makes everything palpable, as if you're experienceing it with him. I especially like the line "The worst by far was coiling the hose, a task he claimed I could never do well, though he made me do it again and again. Heavy and green and recalcitrant, the hose would snake in the wrong direction and cramp with kinks I couldn't undo."  The way he chooses to descibe the hose was just the same as I would have described it. As a child I used to pretend the hose was a snake so its nice to see someone else thought of it as a snake as well. 

1 comment:

  1. great...maybe expand and say more, in more detail.

    nice work on the blog posts for the past weeks, well done...
